TCM 005: Two of the most impactful emails I've ever sent.
Read time: 3.5 minutes.
Hey 👋 – Tom here.
Happy Saturday morning to 837 motivated ecommerce entrepreneurs.
We're somehow on to the 5th Edition of the newsletter already!
So firstly, I want to say a quick thank you to you for being here – I really hope these emails are helpful in some small way.
Enjoy today's short tip on marketing and revenue growth, and please do let me know if you have any questions whatsoever.
I'll always do my best to help where I can.
I also can't thank our sponsor PushOwl enough for keeping this newsletter free. 🦉
Fun Fact: when PushOwl launched back in 2016, I was their first paying customer. I'm still a customer to this day and a raving fan.
If you're looking for the easiest way to send notifications to your shoppers, signup to PushOwl and use code CURIOUS60 for an extended 60-day free trial.
A quick and easy way to build brand evangelists is to touch base and say THANK YOU.
Of all the emails I've sent over the years, these two emails below have routinely driven the most revenue for my brands and client brands.
We're taking 1x buyers and turning them into 2x buyers and creating micro-virality.
(And hopefully 3,4,5,6x buyers and beyond.)
Not only do we get a ton of responses (which means our future emails have a better chance of ending up in the inbox), but we get a chance to get honest customer feedback.
By building an open dialogue, we can determine what our customers love and hate, where we could do better, ask for reviews, referrals, and what products they'd love to see from us next.
Email #1 – A Genuine Thank You
Without further ado...
Email #1 goes out the very next morning after purchase via an automated Klaviyo Flow:
Subject Line: Thank you
Preview Line: I wanted to take a second to thank you for your order...Hey [NAME],
I wanted to take a second to simply thank you for your business and your recent order from [BRAND NAME].
Nothing is more rewarding for me than to see our products going out into the world.
If you have any questions, or if there is anything else I can help you with, please reply to this email :-)
Thank you again! I never take it for granted.
Founder @ [BRAND NAME]
That's the entire email.
All are text-based, with no images besides the logo, and the only thing clickable is the logo and the brand name.
Just an unreserved thank you that welcomes a response.
How many other brands do you know that do this?
My guess is pretty few.
And yes, you can absolutely use a nom de guerre/pseudonym if you don't want your name on it.
Email #2 – The Check In
13 Days Later (14 days after purchase), then send the following email.
Your customer should have received their order after 2-4 days, which adds a small buffer and gives the customer a week to use the product in their daily lives before you ask for feedback.
Additionally, you can add a filter to ensure this email is only sent provided the order has been fulfilled (helpful if you take pre- or back-orders).
The last thing you need is a customer getting upset when you ask how their order is... and they haven't received it. 🤦♂️
(Sorry to my VA Imali if you're reading this – we screwed this up recently!)
Third-Party Integrations allow you to ensure an order has been delivered before sending this email, but you probably don't require that additional layer of complexity for now.
Subject Line: A quick check-in
Preview Line: I wanted to make sure you received everything okay...Hey [NAME]
You placed your first order with us 2 weeks ago. I wanted to check in and see if everything went as expected?
If there's anything more I can do to help, or you have any feedback on how we can improve, please let me know! :-)
Also, if you need anything additional, I've gone ahead and set you up with 10% off your next order using code XYZ10.
(Click here, and it'll auto-apply at checkout for you.)
If you need anything at all – we're always here.
All the very best,
Founder @ [BRAND]
P.S. If you have any new product ideas, I'd love to hear them!
And, of course, you can create a variation of these emails for repeat customers and acknowledge them for returning and being so loyal.
That's it!
If/when someone responds, you can build a one-to-one dialogue with that individual and go deeper into their needs/wants/issues experienced.
That'll guide you to:
- Build out your FAQ
- Improve the product
- Add new product features
- Future product development
- Create a raving fan base
- Use testimonials as ads
- And so on
- Make these super personal and be genuine in your gratitude. This person is funding your business.
- Sign them off from someone on your team to build rapport. (Even if it's an alias if you don't want your name on it).
- The objective is to build a deeper relationship with your customer, increase your repeat order rate/LTV, and have a raving fan who cannot help but tell others about you.
- Have only 1 or 2 CTA's in every email – you're pushing for a second order or feedback.
- Keep them text-based to improve your chance of deliverability.
- High open rates, click rates and response rates in this flow will increase open rates for other flows and campaigns by improving deliverability into the inbox.
- Ideally, send Email #2 before any automated review requests go out – you'll often catch any issues before a review is received.
- Turn OFF Smart Sending.
- Turn ON UTM Tracking.
That's all for this Saturday. 1 simple ecommerce growth tip.
If you don't find value in these tips, please do let me know or consider unsubscribing.
I won't mind, and I promise there are no hard feelings.
Alternatively, if you enjoy this newsletter, the best compliment you could pay me would be to say something nice about it online.
See you again next week.
P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
- The Ecommerce OS: The same system I've used repeatedly to go from $0-1M in revenue profitably. (Launching March 2023)
- Work 1:1 With Me: To outline your goals, build a strategy, and develop a tactical action plan to grow your Shopify store. (200+ clients to date)