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TCM #016: Perfection Paralysis – How to Break Free

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Morning Shopify Shakers & Movers 👋 – Tom here.

Happy Saturday to 966 motivated ecommerce entrepreneurs.

Apologies for the recent radio silence – I've been off in Chicagoland for the last couple of weeks enjoying some much needed family time. And (most importantly) getting down to some serious playtime with my nephew on his 2nd birthday. 

But I'm back, fully charged and ready to jump right back in!

Below is your weekly one short tip on marketing and revenue growth for your ecommerce business.




This weeks sponsor is... yours truly! 🫡

The Ecom OS Course & Community is making its grand entrance this Monday! If you've been pacing around waiting for the perfect moment to join the ecommerce party, this is it! Slip into our waitlist and come Monday, a sweet 50% OFF will be hitting your inbox like a confetti cannon!

Check it out right here.



Even if you're new to this entrepreneurship game, I'd put good money on the fact you're all too familiar with: "Perfection Paralysis". 

You know, that moment when you’re poised to launch your shiny new product, but there's a nagging feeling that keeps you up at night – that your product is not yet 'perfect'.

Well, let me be the first one to tell you: welcome to the club!

I know because I’ve been there.

In fact, I’m there right now.

You see, I've been working on my new course, "The Ecom OS", which is set to launch this coming Monday.

Yes, the panic is real.

I've spent countless hours refining, polishing, and (over)analyzing. The caffeine intake? Let’s not even go there.

And through it all, I’ve realised what you already know all too well. Perfection, is a unicorn. It’s a mythical creature we all chase, but nobody has ever really seen.

So here's the biggest, scariest question: do we need to catch that unicorn before we share our masterpiece with the world?

After a lot of deliberation (and even more cups of coffee), I've concluded: NOPE! What we need is not a unicorn, but a horse – a strong, reliable workhorse that gets the job done. Because, at the end of the day, the world doesn't need perfection; it needs your product and your solution to a problem.

So, am I saying I’m launching a course on Monday that isn’t perfect?

Well, yes, and no. I’m launching a course that isn’t ‘unicorn-perfect,’ but it’s ‘workhorse-awesome'. It's full of insights, actionable strategies, proven tactics, tested tools and years of documented real-world application that I've used to scale my own ecommerce businesses. And that’s what matters.

Now, how does this apply to you and your ecommerce store?

Just like me, you might be hesitating to launch a product because it's not 'perfect' in your eyes. But remember, it’s the 'workhorse' products that win the race, not the 'unicorns'.

Yes, polish your product, ensure it's of high quality, but don't fall into the pit of perfection paralysis. 

Your customers need your product, not a mythical unicorn. They need solutions, not illusions. As long as your product is offering value and solving a problem, it's ready to go.

Just think about it this way: while you're waiting for perfection, someone else is launching, learning, and growing. And in the world of ecommerce, speed, adaptability, and resilience often outweigh perfection. 

Take it from someone who's been in your shoes. My course might not be the perfect unicorn, but it's a damn good workhorse. And I can't wait for you to see it!

So, are you ready to ditch the unicorn and embrace the workhorse? I sure hope so! And if you need a helping hand along the way, don't hesitate to reach out.

Remember, you're not alone on this roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship.

Have a fantastic weekend and I'll see you on Monday inside the Ecom OS Course & Community if you should choose to join us.





P.S. Have a topic you'd like me to cover in the next newsletter? Let me know. I'm all ears. 📬

P.P.S. Ready for more? Here's how I can help you level up your ecommerce game:

  1. The Ecommerce OS: This is my go-to system for skyrocketing from $0 to $1M in revenue (while staying profitable). (Early birds, you're in for a treat—enjoy 50% OFF on launch day this Monday.)

  2. Team up 1:1: Together, we'll outline your goals, craft a knockout strategy, and create a tactical action plan to supercharge your Shopify store. (Join 200+ clients who have already upped their ecommerce game.)

No longer feeling this newsletter? No worries. Feel free to hit that reply button and tell me your honest feedback, or you can hit that unsubscribe button below. I promise, no hard feelings.

On the flip side, if this newsletter brings you value, I'd be over the moon if you'd spread the love online with a sweet shoutout or forward this to a friend.

Catch you next week or over on Twitter




Ready for more? Here's 4 ways I can help you level up your ecommerce game:

  1. The Ecom OS (2024 Edition): This is my exact playbook for launching a brand from $0 to $1M+, while staying profitable. (Join 400+ students.)

  2. Team up 1:1: We'll outline your specific goals, craft a custom strategy, and create a tactical plan to supercharge your business. (Join 260+ clients.)

  3. Head of Ecommerce On-Demand: Elevate your DTC brand with tailored fractional support. From task-based to advanced platform audits.

  4. Promote your business to thousands of niche followers by sponsoring my content.

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