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TCM #019: Balancing the 9-to-5 and Your Ecommerce Store


Read time: 4 minutes

Hey one & all 👋 – Tom here.

Happy Saturday to 992 motivated ecommerce entrepreneurs.

Below is your weekly one short tip on marketing and revenue growth for your ecommerce business.

Enjoy & please hit reply if I can help in any way!



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"Should I quit my day job to go all in, Tom?"

Real talk – I want you to maintain financial stability and your sanity. 

By holding onto your steady income and building your ecommerce store on the side, you'll keep the bank account the right side up, stress levels at bay, and have the ability to pour resources back into your business. 

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, you'll grow FASTER if you keep your job and operate your business on the side.

It’s the "secret" for slow, steady, and sustainable growth.

I talk to many first-timers who underestimate the magic of the side hustle and think they need to jump off the proverbial income cliff and dive headfirst into the ecommerce sea.

(This advice largely applies to those that are bootstrapping. If you're angel or VC funded, this may not.)

Here's why they trip up: 

  1. Fear of not dedicating enough time to the new venture.
  2. The allure of diving headfirst into the exciting world of ecommerce.
  3. The misconception that a business needs full-time attention to thrive.
  4. Underestimating the importance of a financial safety net in the early stages.

Don't sweat it.

I'm going to explain how to overcome these hurdles and help you launch your ecommerce store while keeping your life (and bank balance) shipshape. 


Step 1: Love Thy Day Job

Understanding the value of your primary income during this initial stage is pivotal.

Consider it your business's guardian angel, sheltering you from the rainy days (which will inevitably come), allowing you to reinvest profits back into the business, and giving you the peace of mind to work at a steady pace. Trust me, this is one romance you don’t want to end prematurely. 

Full disclosure: I burnt the boats and went running head first off that cliff. The pressure was nuts. I had little responsibility at the time and could afford it. I'm just not convinced I'd do it again knowing what I know now.


Step 2: Embrace Your Side Hustle

Many new ecommerce entrepreneurs stumble here.

They believe they need to spend every waking moment on their business. However, dedicating just 1-2 focused hours each day can yield a surprising amount of momentum.

It's like a HIIT workout for your business – short, disgustingly intense, and results-driven.

(Coming from an Insanity veteran – any Shaun T fans out there?)

Those intense stints add up over the days, weeks and months. Seriously, join the Ecom OS and see for yourself. I'll refund your first month's membership if I can't prove it to you.


Step 3: Embrace the Dance of Balance

Balancing your day job, your ecommerce store, and your personal life isn’t a far-off dream; it’s a reality waiting to happen.

This delicate dance might seem daunting at first, but you'll find over time that maintaining this approach not only nurtures your business but also your sanity.

Space in any relationship is a healthy thing. (Ask my therapist.) 

In 2023 I'd say that's more true than ever. You've got access to more tools, people and resources than ever before in history at the flick of a finger for pennies.

I want you to be in the owners seat and delegate while working *on* your business, not *in* your business.  


In Summary

Juggling your day job while launching an ecommerce store might seem like a freaking daunting task.

But I promise it's not impossible.

I launched my last brand as a "side hustle" while running my other business. I promise it's very much possible while maintaining your life. 

Remember: slow and steady wins the race. (Coffee and a little Mezcal from time to time don't hurt either.)

In this world of ecommerce it's often not the quickest off the mark that "wins", but the one prioritising the sustainability of their business and their sanity.


Up For An Action Step?

If you haven't started yet
, map out how you can dovetail your ecommerce plans into your daily routine while keeping your day job. 

If you've already launched your store and are feeling the financial strain, it's not too late to find a balance. I promise there is no "failure" in exploring part-time or flexible work options temporarily that can provide a safety net, allowing you to grow your ecommerce store without some of the stress. 

Some of the most successful brands I see in ecommerce are operated with a light touch, rather than a white-knuckled grip.  

Need to talk to someone about your current situation? Genuinely hit reply or come and talk to the group in the Ecom OS Community. They're a pretty darn supportive lot and we've all been through some version of it, I promise.

That's it for today. Catch you next week! 

Actually one last thing... would you be interested in getting these newsletters in podcast form? It might give me a chance to expand too. If yes – would you mind replying "Podcast"? (If not, reply "Don't wanna hear your voice Tom.")


Tom Ecom Brown



P.S. Have a topic you'd like me to cover in the next newsletter? Let me know. I'm all ears. 📬

P.P.S. Ready for more? Here's how I can help you level up your ecommerce game:

  1. The Ecommerce OS: This is my go-to system for skyrocketing from $0 to $1M in revenue (while staying profitable). (Newsletter subscribers get an exclusive 50% off.)

  2. Team up 1:1: Together, we'll outline your goals, craft a knockout strategy, and create a tactical action plan to supercharge your Shopify store. (Join 200+ clients who have already upped their ecommerce game.)

No longer feeling this newsletter? No worries. Feel free to hit that reply button and tell me your honest feedback, or you can hit that unsubscribe button below. I promise, no hard feelings.

On the flip side, if this newsletter brings you value, I'd be over the moon if you'd spread the love online with a sweet shoutout or forward this to a friend.

Catch you next week or over on Twitter




Ready for more? Here's 4 ways I can help you level up your ecommerce game:

  1. The Ecom OS (2024 Edition): This is my exact playbook for launching a brand from $0 to $1M+, while staying profitable. (Join 400+ students.)

  2. Team up 1:1: We'll outline your specific goals, craft a custom strategy, and create a tactical plan to supercharge your business. (Join 260+ clients.)

  3. Head of Ecommerce On-Demand: Elevate your DTC brand with tailored fractional support. From task-based to advanced platform audits.

  4. Promote your business to thousands of niche followers by sponsoring my content.

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