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TCM #031: 7-Steps to crafting a cracking presell page

 7-Steps to Crafting a Cracking Presell Page 

TCM 031 / Sunday, 17th March 2024 / Read time: 3 minutes 

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Before you launch your product into the stratosphere like SpaceX did this week, you need that perfect presell landing page. 

A presell page is like that charming friend who sets you up on a blind date.

It warms up your potential customers by serenading them with the benefits of your product without the pushy distractions of a typical product page. Use one to tell a tale, sprinkle some persuasive dust, and watch conversion rates bloom. 

Confession time: I ignored using landing pages for years. Oh, how that's cost me. I'm talking a potential 7-figure "what if" that'll likely haunt me for years.

Grab a beverage.

We're about to roll up our sleeves and build a presell page that could sell ice to a penguin. A hat tip to our friends at Replo for making it painfully simple, snappy, and stylish.


Step 1: Pick Your Fighter (Highlight the Problem)

We talked about this last week.

Nail down the one problem your product heroically solves for your niche group of people. Get specific, like "no more choosing between cold feet or ugly performance socks."

Why socks? Dig into my favourite LPs via the link at the bottom of this email and take a gander at Hollow.


Step 2: Set the Stage (Your Solution)

Craft a narrative.

How does your product take your customers from where they are to where they want to be?

How does your product step in to save the day, so that you're not only selling a product but offering a transformation?

Maybe it is the socks that are warmer than a penguin's hug, naturally sweat-wicking and stylish enough to strut it on Broadway. 


Step 3: Get Intimate (Audience Bonding Time)

Build a page that feels like you're talking to a friend:

"Hey, you! Yep, with the chilly damp toes and the ugly performance socks – we've got you covered on your next hike."


Step 4: Make it Rapido (Thank You, Replo)

Use Replo to build a page faster than a caffeinated squirrel (or me after chugging a BANG Energy – desperate times). 

We want to:

  • Reduce distractions
  • Boost conversions 5-10%
  • Lower the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Increase the Return on Investment (ROI)

It's all about creating a seamless experience that loads blisteringly fast.


Step 5: Show, Don't Tell (Social Proof)

Got rave reviews? Flaunt them the same way your grandmother flaunts your baby pics.

You don't need to do the bragging when you've got customers and publications willing to do it for you.


Step 6: Test The Waters (A/B Testing)

With Replo or ShopLift, switch up elements like you mixed up those beats in the car the other night.

Find your page's rhythm that gets heads nodding (and wallets opening).


Step 7: Express Checkout (Make it a Breeze)

Ensure the path from "Huh, this looks neat" to "Take my money!" is short, sweet and with a clear Call To Action (CTA). 

I know you hate PayPal – they've held £100k+ from me at times, too – but even in 2024, customers still want convenience and familiarity:

  • Shop Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Amazon Pay
  • PayPal
  • Klarna

This list goes on and on. Do whatever it takes to reduce friction during checkout. And yes, it's always worth testing those options too.

Make sure you throw in a sweet post-purchase upsell after. 


Going back to our blind date; treat your presell page like your first date with your customer – make it memorable, make it impactful, and, most importantly, make it work.

Looking for some killer examples of presell pages? I'm glad you asked. Check out some of my favourites here.

Slide into my DMs if you've got a tale of glory (or woes) about your landing pages. I'm all ears – and can bring a stiff drink if you need it.

That's it for today. I hope this is helpful and you have a fantastic week ahead!

Cheers to pages that convert,


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  1. The Ecom OS (2024 Edition): This is my exact playbook for launching a brand from $0 to $1M+, while staying profitable. (Join 400+ students.)

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